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when will covid end 2022 astrology

I am sorry you have been through this. If you wanted to aim for total control of your job you could. I expect a lot of this seems awfully familiar to you. Its my duty to clang the bell so you know this is for a short time. :/. A . Same rules. Mask wearing, avoiding large crowds, dont travel and get vaccinated. He flies back and forward every few weeks. They are living in la la land I expected more from Albo. Long may it continue. Things will be fine by January 2022. Its real life astrology. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Albanese will be lucky to stay where he is from March if he keeps on playing the role of Pluto. Its the same with work partnerships. You have a Virgo stellium and your lunar nodes are Virgo-Pisces, so your past life involved a conflict between your health and your religion. Hi Jessica! I hope the session with your consultant goes well and you get some good answers. The chart showed Putin would withdraw and at that point, the map borders should be redrawn. I agree that the best hands to put your health in, are your own. Not second or third, but first. test for the coronavirus, another step . Your Virgo stellium is in the Sixth House of the physical constitution and state. Will it work out? No other generation had that. I was reading how some epidemiologist believe that new COVID variants may be incubated in people with compromised immune systems. leading me to realise that I should definitely leave before March . A highly infectious variant. Thank you for your post. Julie. While reprieve is in sight, 2022 is the year where things will feel more blessed. Thanks again for all that you do and sending you and your team positive energy from across the globe. This is a great article to prepare for the worst in 2023. This submerged part of yourself is as complex, important and full as your conscious life. I adore the focus your astrology brings into our lives. It will take 2-3 years but it will be underway as Pluto goes through Aquarius and the collective international concern with our long-term survival will trigger real change. Thankyou Jessica. The situation in India is likely to ease out by August 2021, but the threat of recurrent waves cannot be ruled out till at least 2025, he mentioned. Thus, the 21 day lockdown is numerologically significant. He doesnt believe in astrology either. You were ill, or perhaps even died, because you had to work. Eclipse moves. GV. Those of us who follow your blogs and astrology are grateful to you perhaps we can make some difference spreading the news but we will see. March 2023 is an unusual month. Thank you! I am glad you have avoided the virus through masks, avoiding travel, crowds and so on. Thank you. Thank you! But this is your life not mine so please use The Astrology Oracle, The Garden Oracle and The Tarot to validate. Obviously everything you can do to protect her and yourself from Covid is worth it. HI Jessica, Thank you for your response to my question. My eyes were on March 2023 and I realised Id missed Ceres in Virgo. As a user of this website you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions. Definetely yes. A lot of what we were told in 2020 is now obsolete. You already did a lot of that but there is more to come. Because so many people didnt get the memo the first time, unfortunately. Your IC in Virgo suggests a relative or ancestor was a nurse, doctor, surgeon or healer or a long-term invalid who relied on the same. Thats the way its always been. As the Covid situation changes from week to week, I suggest you lean on Twitter as your information source and follow the good doctors, epidemiologists and scientists on there to get the facts, fastest. Nobody liked wearing condoms, or having safe sex, or giving up smoking, or refusing dates with smokers. Tatiana is also the founder of the AstraArt production company, which created more than 150 documentary films since 2002. Take your time and get used to using The Tarot, The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle and follow the steps, to assist your decisions with your own intuition. If you have the nodes here it is worth looking into. The reason for my interest in light, too, is that I am currently being guided to write a book on light! Im just writing this so you take care of the furniture you love at your place and dont expose it to UV light =). It is also called UVC and UV222. Just wish the global populace would be interested in and take the time to understand these simple symbiotic relationships. So there is a reason for the virus and it is down to you to deep-dive below the surface of yourself and your life and figure out what that might be. Were about to see a perfect storm of Pisces cycles, in opposition to Virgo factors in your chart. Fascinating! The Tarot can help you with ideas about that. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. She accurately predicted the current global economic crisis and sudden events of 2020 in a 2019 SWAAY Magazine article. The biggest signal to me is how hell bent the Chinese Govt is on covid zero I truly believe that the Govt there knows something about this virus that we dont it may well have an even creepier impact on the body that we are yet to fully realise. So theres a lot to think about here. I must bring up something that I really want to stress but couldnt because of the eclipse on November 8th. Because it is loss of face to have such children. Its not enough to just be fit. Fascinating and informative as always. Again, this ends in March 2023. However with Covid seemingly likely to cause problems early next year and working from home being the new norm again, is it better to stay put here amongst trees and my husband doing Zoom again? Ops 09 Virgo All Pluto in Virgo people remember that. This makes the tourism industry even more uncertain, of course. Much love to you! So your body gets you out of it, while the rest of you can go on being a dutiful wife and mother. I apologise as I made an error about your Twitter account being suspended. In your natal chart, you have factors at 27 and 29 Cancer in your natal Fourth House of property, and Jupiter will trine those until 20th December, so its the same story told twice, from public and private angles. The class action lawsuits will begin from March 2023 as groups of people use their power to take action against organisations, businesses, corporations who knowingly failed to protect and prevent. Thank you. It affects everyone especially individuals born under Taurus and Scorpio," said Bichalski. I think I should just stay home as much as possible this spring. Saturn begins his slow opposition to Virgo (health) for the first time in 29 years. UVC light, also known as Far UV or UV 222. Neither planet out of shadow , but at least moving forward now, and Im hoping to have less issues as moving is stressful enough. Crazy. As such, reached out to astrologers, occult scientists, and tarot card readers to know what the stars say. Add in the fact that in some countries this age group has been singled out for one vaccine brand and not another, and as an astrologer I have a few red flags there. Im on this site almost daily reading and learning. I tried a few times and took this as a strong NO from the universe that this was a bad idea. April 20, 2023 1:05 PM EDT. So all four corners which square and oppose each other are busy. A new arrangement. Her books include the Complete Horoscopeof annual astrological forecasts and recently published An Astrologer's Notes. Harsh virus restrictions including border closures and quarantines may well be in . So thats January 6th 2023 and February 5th 2023. And on it goes. Your software company or another one will skyrocket from 2026 beyond 2030 and perhaps the road begins here, with conversations we are now having about Covid. Yes, the comments extend the story and I am lucky to have so many intriguing readers who add their experiences. Borsch shares her personal experiences and insights working as a professional astrologer for more than 30 years. Could you help me split those hairs, too? Is there a connection between a new COVID wave in March 23 when Saturn moves into Pisces and the last time Saturn was in Pisces and AIDS was discovered. I expect you will have to take a stand on that. Gemini rules short journeys. I am a little concerned as my wife and I are embarking on a compressed world tour (grand children Netherlands/UK and an aged Aunt New Your State, then home) all in March 23. So I hope the solution is coming. The Astrology of Covid in 2023. The gift of Covid was that it forced researchers to find what worked. We are triple vexed. Insist on product guarantees that specifically promise Covid is eliminated in the air around you. I could hope that you are wrong about the next wave but I know you will be right in your prediction , so that places us in a scary place. Ive not yet checked government statistics in Britain, America, Europe, Asia, but it is likely the same. People are getting very poorly even after having had 4 jabs. The industry as a whole is worth $2.2 billion. But your health should be your priority never mind work. Ive just had my 4th jab. Thank God. What do you think of Dr John Campbell on Youtube? Thanks for all your insight! You have helped me and more ways you can imagine Jess I cannot thank you enough. Jessica, When you say Covid is the worst illness you ever had, I understand. Any direction / advice re health, career, home, money, relationships would be appreciated approach! Anyway, you are protecting yourself and will go on doing that. Pisces is always about God in one form or another, even if its a complicated relationship. I do see the natural environment as magical (my paramedic in training son mentioned that we dont understand how the air has intrinsic purifying qualities over and above its actual composition, and I think it is so for the earth.) It may be new studies which reveal the truth about Long Covid. According to Ma Vishwaroopa, Jupiter in Aquarius but retrograde in Capricorn in June 2021 can create a negative environment among people. The most important trends for Cancer in 2023 show up in your solar and natal chart at the same time. Why? You will find things are easier from March 2023, coming back into the present, and all the issues you are having as a family and also with the home itself, the local area and so on, settle down from just before Easter. I have great difficulty picking one and make it last so maybe Im looking into wrong areas? The good news is, Philips are promising 99.99% elimination of Covid with these units for home and workplace use and they are world specialists in hospital-grade UVC light. If you were born with Pluto in Virgo in the Sixth House, then your need for control is expressed through work, academia and/or your unpaid work. Your surgery has put you back on track and your Aries, Gemini, Aquarius stelliums suggest the new life begins next March 2023, when Pluto goes into Aquarius. Im wondering if its my constitution. I try not to worry about my kids because its an unproductive emotionbut what is coming scares methey have more life ahead of them & Id hate for them to suffer. Cigarette companies were hit with a massive US class-action lawsuit. People will have to organise in groups if they are to deal with what is ahead. "We are witnessing the birth of a new world. There might be a lot of internet scams because of Neptune's high influence. Similar in Canada. You were born with Mars in opposition to Venus. Its taken a lot for me to go back out into the world as it is really is the worst illness I have ever had. 2022 also presents elements of the old making way for the new because the planet Jupiter will be in Pisces (last sign of the zodiac) for seven months and in Aries (first sign) for the remainder.. Maybe India. Why? I worry for his health, his future and especially with this next wave of Covid, as he now has an autoimmune disease and I so desperately want to keep him well but also let him be a little boy! Thanks Jessica, Every bodys body is different so this is a choice for you; try a three-way reading with the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle to help guide your choices about another Pfizer injection. It actually works out for you. I am wondering if the vaccines do help against severe Illness in covid? Im feeling a bit worried, as I have Virgo factors four times in my natal chart, so wondering how this is all going to affect me both professionally and personally. Why did you get the cold? This is the same cycle. Okay, let me see if I can find that in the queue, thank you. And youre travelling with a Virgo stellium. If they say their plug-in unit eliminates Covid to 99.99% then thats what they say. I was wondering what that would mean for me in terms of my health, work and general future. Im ANGRY! (And no, Im not an influencer. Covid is natures way of balancing the life circle and asking people to slow down a little. According to Vastu Acharya Manoj Srivastava, while coronavirus was not in existence when the rules of astrology were written in India several thousand years ago, one can still map the virus behaviour with those of planets Pluto, Rahu and Jupiter to come up with some reasonable predictions. This gets better in stages. It may have been a religion that forbade pharmaceutical drugs or surgery. No one wears masks, even in small enclosed spaces with customers who just travelled from other countries. In the meantime, read the research on UVC light. This amazing book was written by the great astrologer of our time. You are so kind to do what you do. The Full Moon in Virgo You are a gift to the world. In her 2021 forecast, she predicted this year starting with January to March will be challenging. Not only Saturn will oppose your Virgo stellium but eventually the North Node in Pisces will do the same. He is in Taurus, the sign ruling the national and world economy, from April 7th 2023 until June 1st 2023, which would fit the aftermath of a wave. I MEAN, significantly. It is possible. This article seems to support what I understand you have said about the origins of Covid. Circling back to your chart, your Sixth House is empty and you have no Virgo factors. In billions of charts. On Jan. 18 the Moon's nodes will shift from the Gemini Sagittarius axis to the Taurus Scorpio axis for the next 18 months. Will travel be shut down or just tightly controlled? On all levels. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). So, the situation can remain tough till Pluto progresses to one degree in direct motion, which happens in December 2021, he said. Analysis shows the 2022 figures include 618 same-sex marriages but their proportion of overall unions has fallen over the last three years. What you discover in the UK will help other readers, in terms of costing and distribution. Agreeing, Anantikaa R Vig, certified tarot reader, crystal healer, numerologist, life and relationship coach, said a re-emergence or an uprise is possible. So, I suggest you use the Tarot to figure this out for yourself. I am now sure if you are aware that your Twitter account appears suspended today 11/11/22. You are solely responsible for what you post. Thank you. The first part gives you the bigger picture of what's happening in 2022. Prevention and protection. Vaccines lowered infections. Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 And I have started an organic vegetable patch there (in addition to my suburban one). Theres 10 to the 31 viruses in the air. A past life in the 14th century fits my selfcare and inspo habit of listening to Early music when Im preparing myself mentally for design work. Until then, use Twitter experts on Covid to update, inform and protect yourself. I am trying to figure out how to stay safe and connected. It is also ruled by Mars, which is associated with inflammation. I am sorry your mum has been through lung cancer and hope she is healing. "I've been getting a lot of questions about the astrology behind coronavirus, and this is what I have so far: On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto connected for the first time since 1982," she wrote on . The HEPA filters are a good recommendation so are the UVC Far UV. Airports and airlines were always the problem and will always be the problem until they start treating Covid the way they treated box cutters after 9/11. I have Venus and Ceres in Virgo.. and I am already very cautious when it comes to covid exposure. You could make a good discovery you stick with, even after you are better. Your Tarot gave you The Chariot, which is your husband between Melbourne and Queensland. I have just had a health scare and dont know results yet till I see the consultant. The New Moon in Pisces You and your husband have Aries-Libra patterns. Fortunately we have options. Will this interruption finally stop and will we be able to just move and achieve our dream. Hi Jessica !! Ive shared his posts with my family. The US is so laid back now, I wonder how they will respond. Cancel as often as you have to. Good things come easily during this lucky aspect. While the predictions vary, astrologers seem to indicate that the virus will be in existence in various forms for at least a few more years to come. Maybe this is indicated by the squares to my Aries Sun or the Aries-Libra conflict. The MC (Midheaven), Saturn and Mars are also in Virgo in your Sixth House of workload and wellbeing, along with Jupiter. He predicts India will emerge successful in the fight against coronavirus. What is coming requires taking a stand. You are past the eclipse so should get the conversations you want, pretty quickly. May 11, 2023, the . Thank you very much Jessica for your detailed reply to my question; I didnt expect it. In history of humanity or our life there was no vaccination required to do it 1,2,3,4,5,6, Buster 1, Buster 2, We know its crazy, And still humans are kind and follow: I now realise that apart from the sheer hard work involved in elder care, Ive been enraged that my Mum and I have been trying to cover for my siblings neglect. It isn't clear how long these effects might last. The bigger picture is that we are seeing the empowerment of women and working people, rise sharply, in relation to male politicians and businessmen. You are in Australia, where we are already seeing cases skyrocket the spikes are going up the graph rapidly. Hi Jessica thanks so much for being a guiding light in these troubling times. It's really important for everyone to lead a healthy, positive lifestyle," she said. What concerns me is that governments all over the world think the opposite. So thats interesting. I have one in my office and one in the waiting room. But do they have an exact answer? Life never was the same again! The astrology rules on pandemics are simple. I am sure your marriage and family (Libra and Cancer respectively) have been under historic pressure. Activism in the childrens school is free. As you know, Mercury Retrograde brings reversals and rescheduling. Everybody is going to be looking for spiritual food to feed their souls. You cared for him, at home, but he was in the Covid window so despite your best efforts he may have been contagious. Can you see anything in my chart re my trip? Your state of mind is really important in deciding how the rest of you functions. You have Aesculapia and Juno in Virgo in your Sixth House, Joo. You may switch to an electric car from that point; share an electric transport scheme or perhaps just switch to a bicycle or other quite radically different way of getting around. Ive got Pluto at 29 Virgo and a Capricorn north node. When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. Sadly, my Aries side doesnt get a lot of athletic/physical expression. You may unconsciously dislike having to put so much time and effort into caring for your mother (especially alone, which is very hard). He is too young to wear a mask. And we are yet to see what happens to people who have four, five, six injections of vaccine over the long-term. You know your body better than anybody because it is yours. Harvard University medical professors instal it in their favourite clubs, but there is almost a blackout in Britain about buying UV units. When you combine them in any situation, you have a problem. Way up in Queensland. They claim it achieves 95% air disinfection in 80m3 in one hour. The Tarot can tell you more about the incarnation and if he was in fact wedded to you last time. Buster I Incredible info to live by. The Teal wave we saw with the national election will repeat in the states; the women are coming. We either do this together or not at all. He had Covid but a very mild case and it passed pretty quickly. I will definitely be taking your advice, and found it amazing that you picked up about me opting out. The Age of Aquarius brings a different energy to the world. Financially not the best course ( anxiety)but for physical health it may be better as partner has health issues. Pluto 8 degrees The good news is that long-term you will find your local area (village, suburb, town, neighbourhood) becomes the most exciting and exhilarating space to be in. As you say, it was spot on. Ive written before on one of your Covid posts. He works from home every second week. The people who create climate emergency are the same people who create covid emergency. Protection and prevention. As Virgo rules lifestyle and work its fair to say the biggest outcome for us next year is dramatic change in the way we live and work. Not good enough. He is beneficial. I heard Rotterdam clairaudiently with your question. This is the sign we associate with nitpicking detail and a methodical daily routine. On 31 December 2019, the coronavirus was reported to the Chinese department of the WHO (although it is possible that the first case was around 1 December 2019, #8 with an incubation of up to twenty-four days) #9. I do worry about next year, my aviation employed husband did contract covid (he and I of course share Pluto and uranus in Virgo) and he is still experiencing issues from his earlier covid. I think it is interesting how the last Saturn in Pisces transitions could in fact influence or affect the upcoming transition. Thank you. It may be a wave hitting several countries, with a new mutation/strain that is highly contagious and deadly. You would not have worked in an office with smokers because you knew passive smoking would give you cancer or heart disease. The Tarot is always free to use on my website and it is the same deck I use for readings on the rare occasions I give them (the next one is for a charity auction for BBC Children in Need). Try free on YouTube. My Sun is in Virgo (29 degrees), should I be worried? Huge questions about being fit for duty, or not fit for duty, surround your past life. There are nume. I packed hubby off to spare room with HEPA and ventilation a few days ago and only went in with mask and he only came out with one on but the day or so prior, before he was symptomatic, clearly was the issue, I know so much thanks to you. The cold got you a week away. I have vesta in Virgo At 0 degrees. I was chatting about this to Judy Piatkus and Gina Lazenby from The Conscious Cafe; the academic proof about UV-C light eliminating Covid, colds and flu was there in 2020, it has taken us to 2022 to get Panasonic and Philips making the units and the next step is getting rid of the thick glass wall that has prevented most people from even knowing the units exist. Thats a 1 with 31 zeroes. Look at the Tarot too. Funny you mentioned, the marriage which compels me to deny my Aries side (my partner has Libra-Aries Asc/Des, so reverse mine). You open the door marked 6 which is on the highest hill, representing your highest achievement possible in this lifetime. The biggest takeaway, without doing any of this, is that vaccines do not stop infection. I think the threat of nuclear aggression and the threat of Covid are showing up in the same time-frame, because its now or never for the planet. If so wouldnt their cost then bring down the cost of health care treatments, and therefore be cost effective in the long term. So skip Ascendant (AC) Descendant (DC) Immum Coeli (IC) and Midheaven (MC). Joo. My lease finishes on the 8th of January , but I could see that both Mercury and Mars are retrograde at this time so I have moved my exit date from my unit to the 22nd January . I also run air purifiers in the house, one of them in our living area has a UV light in it. Fourth Dont compromise on that; Saturn opposes your Pluto once every 28/29 years so I suspect memories of the AIDS and HIV scares of your younger days may come back. At the moment, science tells us people who have been infected with Covid have a greater incidence of heart issues. Thanks so much for sharing your insights and also this comments feature which is always fascinating as reading other peoples experiences helps you reflect on your own! AIDS depopulation. It looks like my previous post has got lost so I wont repeat myself here but I do have some questions I would love to have clarified. Find clarity, connection and a path forward. Okay, so your chart reveals Gemini, Aries, Virgo stelliums and the latter sign includes the node.

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when will covid end 2022 astrology

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