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Lukewarm Christianity; The Laodicean Church was Allegedly True Christians. 1. Rigggght. It doesnt separate from heretics such as Jack Hyles, Jack Schaap, Larry Brown, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, Rick Flanders, John R Rice, Curtis Hutson, Mike Sullivant, Bob Gray Sr., Sword of the Lord men, etc. This sermon is the epitome of man-centredness and man-worship and ear-bleeding. 1:15; Ac. Although Im sure influenced by the Lord, that desire, as you read in these passages, comes from the man himself. All one has to do is rightly divide the word of truth and compare Scripture with Scripture. He is a typical fundamental IB preacher today. You will see sin or scorning or foolishness or error and you will say something negative about it. 17:11; 1 Th. A righteous man falling down before the wicked. Our sending church is Lighthouse Baptist Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. I mean a lot. They reduced unity and fellowship to the fundamentals. Idea Lists. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Our next video will be discussing Missionary Spencer Smith and his lack of content in regards to porn. The truth is quite the opposite to what is being said in the video. He never went any deeper than skin on the subject, if he mentioned it at all. 1:11; 2 Tim. Official Documentary By Missionary Spencer Smith. Christs suffering, death and resurrection on the third day (Lk. There is no such thing as an outpouring of the Spirit of God. 9:28). People that corrupt the gospel and compromise and wont speak the truth and embrace error and worldliness, have no leg to stand on when it comes to evidence of salvation. In one part of Ryries book So Great Salvation he declares that faith is not merely "assent to facts" (p. 118), but then spends three pages proving that faith is indeed merely assent to, or belief in, certain facts, using different wording and various evasions (see Mk. He fellowshipped with Schaap while he was preaching perverted doctrine, continuing the man-worship and false Gospel of Hyles, etc. (book recommended in his amazon store account). . 3:5-9). This is what salvation is to him but its not in line with Scripture, and this mirrors majority of fundamentalists including Spencer); etc. Further, he is not a Bible preacher. 16, 21). Spencer has a few promotional videos on Hutson preaching. These are all markers of second blessing and Keswick/ revivalism/ higher life/ victorious life, etc, theology used to describe people that are allegedly saved but indistinguishable from the world. He says if you do any of these things to the pastor, God will take care of you like He did Korah. I would venture to say that the vast majority of those thousands saved are actually not saved at all. 1:9 for example) which automatically extends to preaching the gospel to every creature (Lk. The only calling we read of in scripture is the one unto salvation (see Matt. (c) Rice clearly did not hold to a Textus Receptus (TR) position and opposed KJV Onlyism. 1:10-11), or even worse than that, God chastises us with sickness and/or death (Heb 12:5-11; 1 Cor. promises), which is similar to the heretical word-faith teachings. Although Im sure influenced by the Lord, that desire, as you read in these passages, comes from the man himself. Missionary Spencer Smith. So that is very far from the truth. Wow!! He taught theistic evolution. 8:34-38; Lk. Its wicked and spawned in the pit of hell. Its about as terrible as it gets, to the point of nauseating. He claimed OT saints were saved by works, which is connected to his rejection of repentance (its a work according to Scofield). Yes indeed he was, Roberts himself admitted that he was demon possessed. In the video The Gospel he says the pentecostals in Kenya speak only half truths and gives an example where they utilize only the first half of Mk. 10, 14). ); taught that believers could escape physical death and become immune to disease by faith; was the true founder of the wicked Pentecostal/Charismatic movement; etc; etc. 1:9-10; Ti. Wow, nothing like defending and promoting a wolf in sheep's clothing. If there is any doubt as to Spencers continuing support of Sexton and Crown College, he has a video on Evangelist Scott Pauley who hails out of there and a member of the college faculty for many years. Maybe Spencer does that, but its not true for most of fundamentalism. This is what Spencer claims in his video on The Laodicean Church Third Adam 2 Trainer. (, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhnTZOWCu6s. Practically everything he says about what a fundamentalist is, as also noted in his video on Marks of a Fundamentalist is a mixture of truth and error, mostly error. Before I was converted I was in the home of Elvis and did lots of research on him. (e.g. All those words describe only lost people in Scripture, and there is a lot of scripture that reflect that. Where? If he was saved, then the devil is saved. 4. Scroggie also embraced the possibility of contemporary speaking in tongues and embraced the heresy of the universal church instead of practicing separation, which he despised. Chapter and verse? He has conned many churches to support him as a missionary to Kenya, when he does not even work over there. Fundamentalists are champions of pragmatism, and do not reject pragmatism or unorthodox forms of methodology and they certainly do use carnal means to accomplish spiritual goals. They will do that. Paul would have said of these that they are liars, evil beasts, slow bellies (Ti. They werent even close to being right with God or spiritual or being used by God. He appears to be a Fundamentalist Baptist of some sort with a considerable focus on the modern church, Bethel, Hillsong, perceived Occult symbolism (I think) etc. She had a list of favourite mystical authors which were essentially lost heretics, such as Brother Lawrence, Samuel Rutherford, Thomas a Kempis and English Mystics such as the medieval Raymond Lully, Lady Julian or Norwich, and Richard Rolle. He, like many evangelicals and IBs today, pushed an intellectual, non-volitional type of repentance. In spite of the gross heresies, sins and wickedness of Jack Hyles, all of which was public knowledge, Hutson continued to defend Hyles and promote his influence. This was Spencers pastor and teacher for years. They give credence to lost people knee deep in heresy and the world, when that is worst thing he could do. Notice I didnt say, called to be a pastor. There is no such calling in the Bible, contrary to what a lot of people lie about. People could live like the world and the devil, but be saved. He continues on, There aint no reason to make it harder than that. But its not Biblical. 10:1-21 tells us that there is more to the gospel than just v. 13; there is knowledge required (v. 2), and rejection of ones own righteousness for Gods righteousness which has the idea of turning from self (vv. To understand the Bible King James Godhead . He says to the people in the congregation that he is preaching to, they cannot reach Kenya without him, and he cant reach Kenya without them (time 12:30). pastor). Will you pray for a fresh anointing for yourself and for the rest of us? (Anointed with Fresh Oil, Nov 3, 2017). Interestingly, me and him share the same spiritual day of birth, only 4 years apart. 1:9-10; Ti. Everything that Spencer describes in the video that changed the culture, that changed people from being drunkards and thieves and villains and filthy, happened PRIOR to Evan Roberts coming on the scene (which was 1904) and it happened because of the real Welsh Revival. Its not for a lack of believing that prevents people from being converted (oh no, the world is full of believers); but sinners refusal to repent because of their wilful rebellion against God and His Authority (Jn 3:19-21; Lk. 11:12-15) and the false teacher (2 Pet. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith (https://youtu.be/tYct1MwQL84) he is embracing fundamentalism which is an error filed movement, and then there are his categories and lines, that arent really that clear cut in reality. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. (Rom. . . All these things are heresy. And Weve seen a lot of churches started. Online describing The results of our 2019 IBOM Kenya Conference are: 5 Church Dedications, 300 in the Providence Baptist College, 40 Graduates of the Providence Baptist College, and 2,114 saved. 1:6-9) and another Jesus (2 Cor. ). 3:3). 2:1), but Spencer Smith does, as does Reg Kelly (he preached in Kellys church back in May 2010 and Dec 2011; Brown actually preached this same sermon at one of those times). In these videos you will note the unrepentant embracement and friendship between Sexton and these two wolves in sheeps clothing, even preaching in their church (First Baptist of Hammond). He is very brave to be so compromised. Consider a few points: 1. No results, no good. MISSIONARYSPENCERSMITH.COM. Amy Carmichael. Thats definitely not good. ! (time 36:20). 23:59 December 07, 2019 Apr 26. The labels he gives Christians, such as carnal, lukewarm, backsliders, illustrates his non-discernment in who is truly saved and who is not. In one of his videos he claims Elvis Presley was a Christian. I would venture to say that the vast majority of those thousands saved are actually not saved at all. Why is it that men that soundly and faithfully adhere to the Word of God and are exceedingly careful in preaching the true gospel and not any form of easy-believism/quick-prayerism, not see results like this in Africa even to a hundredth? 4. 1:9-11), lest in the end, we are disqualified for service (2 Tim. Since when are half-truths NOT lies?? 1:1-4; Lk. It certainly wasnt based upon the Bible. 24:44-48). 1:8? Larry Brown is a heretic who embraces other heretics and wolves in sheeps clothing including Jack Hyles & Schaap. You know why he asks, about not making it harder. He says if you do any of these things to the pastor, God will take care of you like He did Korah. 9:28). Fundamentalism itself is a sinking ship that I encourage all churches and Christians to depart. They are merely religious, with the subtlety and deception of being very close to the truth, which is a major hallmark of the devil (2 Cor. Or 2 Cor. Is that how God loves His children, who are inseparable from His love (Rom. In this passage Pauls struggle is said to be the record of past conflicts and defeats experienced as a renewed man under law.) His teaching led to the idea that at the point of salvation someone received Jesus, and at some later point, Jesus became Lord (which happened when he was "dedicated or received the second blessing). 1:6-9. Sexton continued to embrace and praise these ungodly heretics like Hyles after everything had come to light (calling him a man of God who fell) and then Schaap in 2011 after his blasphemous teaching on communion was brought to the public spotlight (see here Clarence Sexton Praises Jack Schaap and Clarence Sexton Lies Again For Jack Hyles and Clarence Sexton Continues Praising Jack Hyles, Schaap, and John Stancil) and up until Schaaps statutory rape of a child was made public there was much promotion of Schaap by Sexton in print and video on the websites used by the Baptist Friends group that was founded and led by Sexton; but then they all disappeared without a trace or explanation. Most of the aforementioned men are major pushers and propagators of the false and heretical Keswick/Revivalist theology and rejectors of the true gospel and embrace a pseudo gospel that eliminates saving repentance and Christs Lordship. Brown and his cronies are way above admonishment and correction, their pedestal is somewhere in the third heaven. Spencer also has a popular YouTube channel that educates people in doctrine and warns of new. He reviews this Bible (https://youtu.be/USQB2r4Jafc). Thank you for visiting our website. 21:24, 21; Lk. 4:1). I'm not saying that you should go out of your way to be negative because now you see the Holy Spirit to be negative. No one should be a fundamentalist, for fundamentalism has never been faithful to the Bible and has never contended for the truth. We must call this heresy out. (books are recommended in his amazon store account). Sign up free. 10:32-39; 16:24-26; Mk. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith he uses unbelief to categorize the lost and ungodly modernists. They separated only over the fundamentals, so they unified or fellowshipped merely if someone believed and taught the fundamentals. Is God helping us so we can have what we want or are we servants of Him? All one has to do is rightly divide the word of truth and compare Scripture with Scripture. So called fundamentalists today are practically the same as evangelicals which are practically the same as modernists. Unbelievable. Spencer says, the reason why the fundamentalist wont use Casting Crowns is because Casting Crowns is holding hands with Hillsong and Elevation worship and they are modernists, so we wont even touch you. That is certainly not a scriptural reason why not to use Casting Crown. In 1950 Scroggie was called indisputably the foremost living Keswick teacher. Keswick theology is very unscriptural and terrible heresy. Etc. Yet, again, there are serious concerns that cant be overlooked. Spencer Smith and his family currently serve as Field Missionaries to Kenya, and help plant churches with national pastors. 1:8; 2:10-12; 3:2; 2 Pet. . 5:21) which is loving Him (Jn. This is what salvation is to him but its not in line with Scripture, and this mirrors majority of fundamentalists including Spencer); etc. Tony Hutson. Thankfully truly regenerated born again believers trust in God and not in man (Jer. "Unbelief" is Only a Characteristic of Unsaved People, Not the Saved. The problem is that they were in such bad spiritual condition that they didnt even know it. He is describing a church that is true in his eyes, but weak, not right or spiritual and not used by God and they didnt even know it. Hyles and Schaap); refuses to receive reproof, criticism is not welcome and refuses to give any warnings about other IBs, no matter how egregious their errors and ungodly their sins; false worshipper of CCM music; purveyor of a corrupted gospel (noted in the sermon "How to Lead Someone to Christ, about the 39 min mark he leads someone in a prayer for salvation, and that prayer is "to ask for forgiveness of sins, for Jesus to come into his life and be his Savior." he is embracing fundamentalism which is an error filed movement, and then there are his categories and lines, that arent really that clear cut in reality. From what I see, I think I would like Spencer at a personal level. He says they are blind, naked, wretched, poor, miserable, but strangely cannot discern that they are unsaved. Rice was a new evangelical at heart and church growth guru, hence why all his children became lost new evangelical gurus themselves. As noted with the example of Ravi Zacharias, a heretic and wolf in sheeps clothing, whom he refused to denounce in the video The Falling Away. Snce that time even more evifence has comdHe doesnt speak against the carnal circus he calls church that he preached in during deputation, where the house was overflowing with people and whoever brought the most visitors won an actual car (6 Great Lessons From The Welsh Revival, time 03:00). To follow the Bible within fundamentalism is like trying to store the new wine in old wineskins. This page will discuss contemporary Skip to content Skip to content. (What Korah did was evil, but questioning a pastors teachings is NOT! He has no business warning about anything, if he cant warn according to Scripture. Scan this QR code to download the app now. He is best known for . As noted with the example of Ravi Zacharias, a heretic and wolf in sheeps clothing, whom he refused to denounce in the video The Falling Away. Snce that time even more evifence has comdHe doesnt speak against the carnal circus he calls church that he preached in during deputation, where the house was overflowing with people and whoever brought the most visitors won an actual car (6 Great Lessons From The Welsh Revival, time 03:00). Also promotes the southern gospel CCM group Johnson Trio. Demonic bondage. In the video "The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith" he uses "unbelief" to categorize the lost and ungodly modernists. I would say its probably because they are preaching the true gospel, not a placebo; they are not after numbers and pew warmers and tithers, but after true fruit that actually lasts and is truly converted. He was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah by his Mormon Fundamentalist parents. (4) Must be ordained by elders (1 Tim. 4. 2:20-21), or worse yet, we are identified with the false teachings and the false teachers themselves (2 Jn. 1:5), who are responsible to confirm prayerfully and practically all the qualifications are met (Tit. He taught a universal church. Mar 17, 2018 23:44 Send in Your Questions and Show Ideas! He would be a carnal and lukewarm Christian up until that point. Spencer and his wife graduated from Sextons Crown College and were members of Temple Baptist Church for 5 yrs (which is pastored by Sexton). Although he gives some good points about the importance of furthering the gospel, and about hypocrites (although he doesnt use that word), and brief warnings about false gospels (e.g. Secondly, although every person is called to preach, not every person can be a pastor. Fundamentalism has tied Christians into false teachings and instead of marking and avoiding, they ignored and united with disobedience. This has been addressed several times, and he refuses to answer any questions about it. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith (. ) Wow. No pastor is ever to be reproved or rebuked regardless how wrong he is. Concerning the Welsh Revival video, he said a 16 yr old girl stood up in a prayer meeting and said I love Jesus with all of my heart; they said the outpouring of the Spirit of God was so strong when she did that, and basically that started it [the welch revival] (. This is what Spencer claims in his video on The Laodicean Church Third Adam 2 Trainer. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhnTZOWCu6s). Tony Hutson is a cheap entertainment-orientated showman, can speak many stories but not a lot of actual Bible preaching. ".worse than an infidel." - 1 Timothy 5:8 Just thought I would let you know. In spite of the gross heresies, sins and wickedness of Jack Hyles, all of which was public knowledge, Hutson continued to defend Hyles and promote his influence. Go figure. concerning salvation is so clear as the Laodicean church not having it. 3:14-18, it is almost redundant. My name is Spencer Smith, my wife's name is Rebekah and we have three beautifulchildren. 16:15? Hutson hated the biblical doctrine of repentance so much (like Hyles), he wrote books against it and removed the doctrine from well known hymns while editor at Sword of the Lord. Spencer Smith and his family currently serve as Field Missionaries to Kenya, and help plant churches with national pastors.

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