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rpcclient enumeration oscp

You get the idea, was pretty much the same for the Ubuntu guy cept that his user accounts were -3000. if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./ RHOST {RPORT}" && exit; else rhost=$1; fi, if [ ! With --pw-nt-hash, the pwd provided is the NT hash, #Use --no-pass -c 'recurse;ls' to list recursively with smbclient, #List with smbmap, without folder it list everything. Wordlist dictionary. samlogon Sam Logon | A critical remote code execution vulnerability exists in Microsoft SMBv1 This can be verified using the enumdomgroups command. After manipulating the Privileges on the different users and groups it is possible to enumerate the values of those specific privileges for a particular user using the lsalookupprivvalue command. The article is focused on Red Teamers but Blue Teamers and Purple Teamers can also use these commands to test the security configurations they deployed. Manh-Dung Nguyen Blog Pentest Publications Whoami @ | Comment: There was a Forced Logging off on the Server and other important information. S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1009 LEWISFAMILY\tty (2) The ability to interact with privileges doesnt end with the enumeration regarding the SID or privileges. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1004 S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1001 LEWISFAMILY\wheel (2) After establishing the connection, to get the grasp of various commands that can be used you can run the help. queryusergroups Query user groups netname: PSC 2170 Series dfsenum Enumerate dfs shares addform Add form This command will show you the shares on the host, as well as your access to them. . Use `proxychains + command" to use the socks proxy. IPC$ NO ACCESS D 0 Thu Sep 27 16:26:00 2018 S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1011 LEWISFAMILY\operator (2) When using querygroupmem, it will reveal information about that group member specific to that particular RID. Start by typing "enum" at the prompt and hitting <tab><tab>: rpcclient $> enum enumalsgroups enumdomains enumdrivers enumkey enumprivs enumdata enumdomgroups enumforms enumports enumtrust enumdataex enumdomusers enumjobs enumprinter. The ability to enumerate individually doesnt limit to the groups but also extends to the users. Heres an example Unix Samba 2.2.3a: Windows SMB is more complex than just a version, but looking in wireshark will give a bunch of information about the connection. Are you sure you want to create this branch? rpcclient -U "" rpcclient $> querydominfo . result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1001 If this information does not appear in other used tools, you can: # Requires root or enough permissions to use tcpdump, # Will listen for the first 7 packets of a null login, # Will sometimes not capture or will print multiple. 139/tcp open netbios-ssn is SMB over Ip. remark: PSC 2170 Series getprinter Get printer info Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.58 seconds, # Requires root or enough permissions to use tcpdump, # Will listen for the first 7 packets of a null login, # Will sometimes not capture or will print multiple. Connect to wwwroot share (try blank password), Nmap scans for SMB vulnerabilities (NB: can cause DoS), Enumerate SNMP device (places info in readable format), Enumerate file privileges (see here for discussion of file_priv), Check if current user superuser (on = yes, off = no), Check users privileges over table (pg_shadow). | grep -oP 'UnixSamba. --------------- ---------------------- There are multiple methods to connect to a remote RPC service. To look for possible exploits to the SMB version it important to know which version is being used. Initial Access. lsalookupprivvalue Get a privilege value given its name | Type: STYPE_IPC_HIDDEN | Anonymous access: To explain how this fits in, let's look at the examples below: When an object is created within a domain, the number above (SID) will be combined with a RID to make a unique value used to represent the object. This is an enumeration cheat sheet that I created while pursuing the OSCP. May need to run a second time for success. After enumerating groups, it is possible to extract details about a particular group from the list. When provided the username, it extracts information such as the username, Full name, Home Drive, Profile Path, Description, Logon Time, Logoff Time, Password set time, Password Change Frequency, RID, Groups, etc. --------------- ---------------------- Beyond the enumeration I show here, it will also help enumerate shares that are readable, and can ever execute commands on writable shares. password: -I, --dest-ip=IP Specify destination IP address, Help options However, for this particular demonstration, we are using rpcclient. rpcclient is a part of the Samba suite on Linux distributions. querydominfo Query domain info 1433 - Pentesting MSSQL - Microsoft SQL Server. ENUMERATING USER ACCOUNTS ON LINUX AND OS X WITH RPCCLIENT, Hacking Samba on Ubuntu and Installing the Meterpreter. I create my own checklist for the first but very important step: Enumeration. -S, --signing=on|off|required Set the client signing state SHUTDOWN | grep -oP 'UnixSamba. While Port 139 is known technically as NBT over IP, Port 445 is SMB over IP. S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1005 LEWISFAMILY\kmem (2) IPC$ IPC Remote IPC |_smb-vuln-ms10-054: false Custom wordlist. A null session is a connection with a samba or SMB server that does not require authentication with a password. May need to run a second time for success. yet another reason to adjust your file & printer sharing configurations when you take your computer on the road (especially if you share your My Documents folder), Yeah so i was bored on the hotel wirelesserrr laband started seeing who had ports 135, 139, 445 open. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED setdriver Set printer driver Password: openprinter Open printer handle SegFault:~/Documents/Evil cg$ hydra -l lewis -P common-passwords.txt smb -V GENERAL OPTIONS Microsoft Remote Procedure Call, also known as a function call or a subroutine call, is a protocol that uses the client-server model in order to allow one program to request service from a program on another computer without having to understand the details of that computer's network. In other words - it's possible to enumerate AD (or create/delete AD users, etc.) Let's see how this works by firstly updating the proxychains config file: Once proxychains are configured, the attacker can start enumerating the AD environment through the beacon like so: proxychains rpcclient -U spotless, Victim ( is enumerating DC ( on behalf of attacker ( SYSVOL READ ONLY, Enter WORKGROUP\root's password: Pentesting Cheatsheets. Server Message Block in modern language is also known as. [Update 2018-12-02] I just learned about smbmap, which is just great. | Comment: In the case of queryusergroups, the group will be enumerated. The command to be used to delete a group using deletedomgroup. *[0-9a-z]' | tr -d '\n' & echo -n "$rhost: " &, echo "exit" | smbclient -L $rhost 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null. with a RID:[0x457] Hex 0x457 would = decimal. logonctrl2 Logon Control 2 While Port 139 is known technically as NBT over IP, Port 445 is SMB over IP. 445/tcp open microsoft-ds Software applications that run on a NetBIOS network locate and identify each other via their NetBIOS names. -n, --netbiosname=NETBIOSNAME Primary netbios name You signed in with another tab or window. The deletedomuser command is used to perform this action. remark: IPC Service (Mac OS X) -l, --log-basename=LOGFILEBASE Basename for log/debug files Server Comment echodata Echo data root S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1000 (User: 1) enumdata Enumerate printer data rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-2002 | Anonymous access: READ Moving on, same way, they can query info about specific AD users: Enumerate current user's privileges and many more (consult rpcclient for all available commands): Finally, of course they can run nmap if needed: Impacket provides even more tools to enumerate remote systems through compromised boxes. logonctrl Logon Control deleteform Delete form CTF solutions, malware analysis, home lab development, Looking up status of [ip] Enter WORKGROUP\root's password: dfsexist Query DFS support Using rpcclient it is possible to create a group. Using lookupnames we can get the SID. | VULNERABLE: May need to run a second time for success. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-502 Created with Xmind. Most secure. | Type: STYPE_DISKTREE Adding it to the original post. It is a software protocol that allows applications, PCs, and Desktops on a local area network (LAN) to communicate with network hardware and to transmit data across the network. If the permissions allow, an attacker can delete a group as well. lewis S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-2002 (User: 1) Host is up (0.037s latency). So, it is also a good way to enumerate what kind of services might be running on the server, this can be done using enumdomgroup. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. C$ NO ACCESS This is purely my experience with CTFs, Tryhackme, Vulnhub, and Hackthebox prior to enrolling in OSCP. rewardone in the PWK forums posted a neat script to easily get Samba versions: When you run this on a box running Samba, you get results: When in doubt, we can check the smb version in PCAP. ---- ----------- [INFO] Reduced number of tasks to 1 (smb does not like parallel connections) If proper privileges are assigned it also possible to delete a user using the rpcclient. Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 10.93 seconds. |_ server type : 0x9a03. That narrows the version that the attacker might be looking at to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. Server Message Block in modern language is also known as Common Internet File System. # lines. quit Exit program List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions: SMB1 Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. It contains contents from other blogs for my quick reference, * nmap -sV --script=vulscan/vulscan.nse (, masscan -p1-65535,U:1-65535 --rate=1000 10.10.10.x -e tun0 > ports, ports=$(cat ports | awk -F " " '{print $4}' | awk -F "/" '{print $1}' | sort -n | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//'), nmap -Pn -sC -sV --script=vuln*.nse -p$ports 10.10.10.x -T5 -A, (performs full scan instead of syn-scan to prevent getting flagged by firewalls), From Apache Version to finding Ubuntu version -> ubuntu httpd versions, : Private key that is used for login. lsaquerysecobj Query LSA security object enumalsgroups Enumerate alias groups enumdomgroups Enumerate domain groups |_smb-vuln-ms10-061: false In the scenarios where there is a possibility of multiple domains in the network, there the attacker can use enumdomains to enumerate all the domains that might be deployed in that network. My #1 SMB tip: if the exploit you're using fails despite the target appearing vulnerable, reset the machine and try again. In the demonstration presented, there are two domains: IGNITE and Builtin. The below shows a couple of things. ECHO enumprinters Enumerate printers This will help in getting the information such as the kind of password policies that have been enforced by the Administrator in the domain. These may indicate whether the share exists and you do not have access to it or the share does not exist at all. Example output is long, but some highlights to look for: ngrep is a neat tool to grep on network data. With an anonymous null session you can access the IPC$ share and interact with services exposed via named pipes. This command retrieves the domain, server, users on the system, and other relevant information. rpcclient $> lookupnames guest You can also fire up wireshark and list target shares with smbclient , you can use anonymous listing to explained above and after that find , # smbenum 0.2 - This script will enumerate SMB using every tool in the arsenal, echo -e "\n########## Getting Netbios name ##########", echo -e "\n########## Checking for NULL sessions ##########", output=`bash -c "echo 'srvinfo' | rpcclient $IP -U%"`, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating domains ##########", bash -c "echo 'enumdomains' | rpcclient $IP -U%", echo -e "\n########## Enumerating password and lockout policies ##########", echo -e "\n########## Enumerating users ##########", nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-users $IP, bash -c "echo 'enumdomusers' | rpcclient $IP -U%", bash -c "echo 'enumdomusers' | rpcclient $IP -U%" | cut -d[ -f2 | cut -d] -f1 > /tmp/$IP-users.txt, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating Administrators ##########", net rpc group members "Administrators" -I $IP -U%, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating Domain Admins ##########", net rpc group members "Domain Admins" -I $IP -U%, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating groups ##########", nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-groups $IP, echo -e "\n########## Enumerating shares ##########", nmap -Pn -T4 -sS -p139,445 --script=smb-enum-shares $IP, echo -e "\n########## Bruteforcing all users with 'password', blank and username as password", hydra -e ns -L /tmp/$IP-users.txt -p password $IP smb -t 1, hydra -t 1 -V -f -l administrator -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt $ip smb, nmap -p445 --script smb-brute --script-args userdb=userfilehere,passdb=/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-1000000.txt $ip -vvvv. OSCP Enumeration Cheat Sheet. There are numerous tools and methods to perform enumeration, we will be finding different types of information on SMB throughout the article. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1010 WORKGROUP <00> - M | Disclosure date: 2017-03-14 To demonstrate this, the attacker first used the lsaaddpriv command to add the SeCreateTokenPrivielge to the SID and then used the lsadelpriv command to remove that privilege from that group as well. Beyond the enumeration I show here, it will also help enumerate shares that are readable, and can ever execute commands on writable shares. Disclaimer: These notes are not in the context of any machines I had during the OSCP lab or exam. This information includes the Group Name, Description, Attributes, and the number of members in that group. debuglevel Set debug level lsaquery Query info policy It is possible to target the group using the RID that was extracted while running the enumdomgroup. Using rpcclient we can enumerate usernames on those OSs just like a windows OS. S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-2003 LEWISFAMILY\user (2) *' # download everything recursively in the wwwroot share to /usr/share/smbmap. | and SP2, and Server 2003 SP1 and earlier allows remote unauthenticated or authenticated attackers to dsenumdomtrusts Enumerate all trusted domains in an AD forest Dec 2, 2018, PWK Notes: SMB Enumeration Checklist [Updated]. MAC Address: 00:50:56:XX:XX:XX (VMware) Test. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED It can be done with the help of the createdomuser command with the username that you want to create as a parameter. See examples in the previous section. --------- ------- help Get help on commands This cheat sheet should not be considered to be complete and only represents a snapshot in time when I used these commands for performing enumeration during my OSCP journey. A Little Guide to SMB Enumeration. smbmap -u '' -p '' -H $ip # similar to crackmapexec --shares, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -r # list top level dir, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -R # list everything recursively, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -s wwwroot -R -A '. After creating the users and changing their passwords, its time to manipulate the groups. | References: 2. It also includes the commands that I used on platforms such as Vulnhub and Hack the Box. S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1015 LEWISFAMILY\bin (2) rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1011 NETLOGON READ ONLY enumdataex Enumerate printer data for a key That command reveals the SIDs for different users on the domain. --------------- ---------------------- | | State: VULNERABLE MAC Address: 00:50:56:XX:XX:XX (VMware) ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin Defense Evasion. In the previous command, we used the getdompwinfo to get the password properties of the domain administrated by the policies. Flashcards. oscp pwk enumeration smb nmblookup smbclient rpcclient nmap enum4linux smbmap timeout connecting to enumports Enumerate printer ports | Current user access: Password attack (Brute-force) Brute-force service password. To extract information about the domain, the attacker can provide the domain name as a parameter to the command lookupdomain as demonstrated. Since we performed enumeration on different users, it is only fair to extend this to various groups as well. netshareenum Enumerate shares During that time, the designers of the rpcclient might be clueless about the importance of this tool as a penetration testing tool. With some input from the NetSecFocus group, Im building out an SMB enumeration check list here. RID is a suffix of the long SID in a hexadecimal format. WARNING: Restorefile (./hydra.restore) from a previous session found, to prevent overwriting, you have 10 seconds to abort Are you sure you want to create this branch? so lets run rpcclient with no options to see what's available: SegFault:~ cg$ rpcclient. In the demonstration, the user with RID 0x1f4 was enumerated regarding their password properties. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED Impacket, 1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6:1a3487d42adaa12332bdb34a876cb7e6 query. The group information helps the attacker to plan their way to the Administrator or elevated access. Replication READ ONLY | Risk factor: HIGH samlookuprids Look up names path: C:\tmp | RRAS Memory Corruption vulnerability (MS06-025) This tool is part of the samba(7) suite. method. The RPC service works on the RPC protocols that form a low-level inter-process communication between different Applications. Active Directory & Kerberos Abuse. Enumerate Domain Groups. Metasploit SMB auxiliary scanners. LEWISFAMILY Wk Sv PrQ Unx NT SNT Mac OS X In there you may, many different batch, VBScript, and PowerShell, using some discovered credentials. enumdomusers Enumerate domain users --------------- ---------------------- great when smbclient doesnt work, Rpcclient is a Linux tool used for executing client-side MS-RPC functions. The tool that we will be using for all the enumerations and manipulations will be rpcclient. First one - two Cobalt Strike sessions: PID 260 - beacon injected into dllhost process. netremotetod Fetch remote time of day This can be obtained by running the lsaenumsid command. It can be used on the rpcclient shell that was generated to enumerate information about the server. --------- ---- ------- Since we already performed the enumeration of such data before in the article, we will enumerate using enumdomgroup and enumdomusers and the query-oriented commands in this demonstration. This information can be elaborated on using the querydispinfo. | smb-enum-shares: ADMIN$ NO ACCESS . It can be used on the rpcclient shell that was generated to enumerate information about the server. -?, --help Show this help message and Unix distributions and thus cross-platform communication via SMB. *', # download everything recursively in the wwwroot share to /usr/share/smbmap. May need to run a second time for success. We can also check if the user we created has been assigned a SID or not using the lookupnames command on the rpcclient. A NetBIOS name is up to 16 characters long and usually, separate from the computer name. Allow listing available shares in the current share? Once proxychains are configured, the attacker can start enumerating the AD environment through the beacon like so: Moving on, same way, they can query info about specific AD users: Enumerate current user's privileges and many more (consult rpcclient for all available commands): Finally, of course they can run nmap if needed: Impacket provides even more tools to enumerate remote systems through compromised boxes. Obviously the SIDS are different but you can still pull down the usernames and start bruteforcing those other open services . Cracking Password. createdomuser Create domain user Disk Permissions rpcclient $> help list List available commands on You signed in with another tab or window. |_ Current user access: READ Upon running this on the rpcclient shell, it will extract the usernames with their RID. The following lists commands that you can issue to SAMR, LSARPC, and LSARPC-DS interfaces upon, # You can also use for this purpose, Enumerate trusted domains within an AD forest. SeSecurityPrivilege 0:8 (0x0:0x8) --------------- ---------------------- One of the first enumeration commands to be demonstrated here is the srvinfo command. lookupnames Convert names to SIDs # lines. I found one guy running OS X 10.4 with Samba running and one guy running Ubuntu with Samba running, oh and also one guy running XP SP0/1 vulnerable to DCOM (wont even go down that road). This is an approach I came up with while researching on offensive security. As with the previous commands, the share enumeration command also comes with the feature to target a specific entity. adddriver Add a print driver certcube provides a detailed guide of oscp enumeration with step by step oscp enumeration cheatsheet. Try "help" to get a list of possible commands. for all files), recurse: toggles recursion on (default: off), prompt: toggles prompting for filenames off (default: on), mget: copies all files matching the mask from host to client machine, Specially interesting from shares are the files called, by all authenticated users in the domain. SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege 0:9 (0x0:0x9) | Anonymous access: | \\[ip]\ADMIN$: It has undergone several stages of development and stability. Learn. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED Sharename Type Comment Code execution don't work. Allow connecting to the service without using a password? In the demonstration below, the attacker chooses S-1-1-0 SID to enumerate. | account_used: guest This is an enumeration cheat sheet that I created while pursuing the OSCP. --------- -------, Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2018-09-27 16:25 EDT if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./ RHOST {RPORT}" && exit; else rhost=$1; fi, if [ ! The child-parent relationship here can also be depicted as client and server relation. After the tunnel is up, you can comment out the first socks entry in proxychains config. Thus it might be worth a short to try to manually connect to a share. MAC Address = 00-50-56-XX-XX-XX, [+] Finding open SMB ports. MSRPC was originally derived from open source software but has been developed further and copyrighted by . platform_id : 500 139/tcp open netbios-ssn A collection of commands and tools used for conducting enumeration during my OSCP journey. NETLOGON Assumes valid machine account to this domain controller. # download everything recursively in the wwwroot share to /usr/share/smbmap. -V, --version Print version, Connection options: Red Team Infrastructure. [+] User SMB session establishd on [ip] so lets run rpcclient with no options to see whats available: SegFault:~ cg$ rpcclient querygroupmem Query group membership It may be possible that you are restricted to display any shares of the host machine and when you try to list them it appears as if there aren't any shares to connect to. The privileges can be enumerated using the enumprivs command on rpcclient. When using the enumdomgroup we see that we have different groups with their respective RID and when this RID is used with the queryusergroups it reveals information about that particular holder or RID. Server Message Block (SMB) is a client-server protocol that regulates access to files and entire directories and other network resources such as printers, routers, or interfaces released for the network.The main application area of the protocol has been the Windows operating system series in particular, whose network services support SMB in a downward-compatible manner - which means that . Code & Process Injection. How I Won 90 Days OSCP Lab Voucher for Free,, These notes are not in the context of any machines I had during the OSCP lab or exam. A tag already exists with the provided branch name.

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